The Assessment Task Force has arranged a series of October and November Archdeaconry meetings to gather further comments on Assessment models and to gather comments on a draft 5-Year Diocesan Vision statement that attempts to lay out the things we are actually working on as a diocese for the next five years.
Bishop Skelton has asked that clergy attend and encourage parishioners to attend in that this work will influence Council and Synod as they both make decisions about our common life over the next five years. The meeting dates, times and locations are:
October 5: The Westminster Archdeaconry will meet 7-9pm at
All Saints Ladner
October 22: The Fraser Archdeaconry will meet 10am-12noon at
St. Dunstan, Aldergrove
October 26: The Lougheed Archdeaconry will meet 7-9pm at
St. John, Port Moody
November 2: The Vancouver Archdeaconry will meet 7-9pm at
St. John, Shaughnessy
November 16: The Burrard Archdeaconry is scheduled to meet 7-9pm
St. Paul, Vancouver
November 26: The Capilano Archdeaconry will meet 10am-12noon
St. Agnes, North Vancouver