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On February 10, join filmmaker Cheryl Green for a daylong (10 am – 4 pm) workshop on invisible disabilities. Hosted by Christ Church Cathedral, the workshop will cover issues related to invisible disability and the Christian faith and how these issues intersect with race, gender, and sexuality. Cheryl Green will also show her film, “Who am I to stop it”, an award-winning documentary on isolation, art, and transformation after brain injury.

Registration for the workshop is through the Rev'd Helen Dunn. Sign up by phoning 604-682-3848 ext. 25 or by emailing The deadline for registrations is February 1. There is a $10 charge to cover the cost of lunch. An ASL interpreter is available upon request.

The film has closed captions and described video. Any other requests for accommodations are encouraged and financial assistance is available for anyone who cannot pay the $10 fee. 

Who Am I To Stop It is a fiscally-sponsored project of The Hollywood Theatre and distributed by New Day Films.