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Inspired Leadership

What impact are we making in the world?
How can we honour the human in all of us?
Is our leadership inspiring — and inspired?

Dr. Michal Fedeles

A teacher of leadership at the Justice Institute of BC, Dr. Fedeles’goal is to help people turn clearintent into consistent action, so asto create results that truly matter.

Members of the Congregations of the BC Synod-ELCIC
and Full-Communion Partners
Are cordially invited to aIend the virtual
REGISTRATION: Email Chair Rev. Clifford Reinhardt.

The deadline for registraion is 10am on October 20. You must register in order to vote.
Because of the current crisis in public health, this will be a virtual meeting on the ZOOM online 

Invited are:

Full Members, who will be enitled to vote for, and to be elected to serve on, the
Board of Directors.  Full Members are those who demonstrate commitment to the
Organization’s mandate, are members of congrega*ons of the BC Synod–ELCIC, or members of
church bodies with whom the aforemen*oned are in full communion, and who aUend the
Annual General Mee*ng of the Lutheran Manor Society.

The objects of the Society are:

a) To establish, maintain and operate non-profit housing accommoda*on for low to moderate
income senior citizens in the area of Greater Vancouver BC
b) To purchase, acquire, lease, sell, dispose of and otherwise deal in real and personal property in
pursuance of the foregoing object.
c) To plan, construct and furnish buildings in pursuance of the same.
d) To provide all such facilities as may be requisite in establishing and operating the same.
e) To receive, acquire and hold gifts, donations and bequests.
f) To do all such things as are necessary towards the achievement of such subjects.

The operations of the Society are to be carried on chiefly in and about the area commonly known as
Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia.
This notice has been authorized by
The Board of Directors
September 16, 2020