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Our current culture of isolation and unaffordability is impacting everyone - from students, to families, to retirees; uncertainty, instability and loneliness crosses demographic lines. The conversations and news stories around housing challenges are prolific today.

Is there a better way to do "do home"?

Through presentations, workshops and storytelling, you are invited to reimagine how we can approach our understanding of home. Peche Kucha style displays - short, visually driven presentations offer an opportunity to hear from experts and those with lived experience in areas of shared living, porous and invitational hospitality, economic practicalities and considerations and more.

There will be time to share your ideas and hear from others. Come ready to participate, learn and contribute. Join in with other curious people to expand your understanding and challenge our preconceived ideas of how we consider housing and home.

Registration includes snacks and lunch and an invitation to connect and converse with the presenters

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