Celebrating LGBT Spirituality: Exploring Identity & Spiritual Growth
Meet some fantastic people and share your stories…
The idea for this conference evolved from a group called The Word is OUT, an LGBT Spirituality group that meets twice a month at St. Andrew’s Wesley. Coming from a variety of backgrounds, and both positive and negative church experiences, we all share the common desire to grow in spirit, be nourished in our journeys, and to experience the Holy within a community of like-minded people.
Feel the love of acceptance & community
Find your place and your voice within the Christian community. The conference will explore how the church can continue to heal the wounds of past rejection and shaming of LGBT people and create a welcoming and engaging community. The conference welcomes allies who support LGBT friends and family, and members of other churches who are seeking to grow as affirming and inclusive places of faith.
Hear from awesome speakers, bringing truth to light
Topics will include: the challenges of attaining self & other acceptance; integration of sexuality and spirituality; progressive theology and scriptural interpretation; what the bible really says about homosexuality; integrating mind/spirit/body; inclusion and acceptance in the church; life and faith after ex-gay ministry; and becoming an inclusive community of faith.
Check out the website for details