Register now for the Stewardship Day: Telling God's Story in Your Parish and learn about using your parish vision to create your parish story, and the financial story of your parish through narrative budgeting, and how to recruit and build a stewardship team that can plan and execute an annual stewardship plan.
Story Telling Plenary
The Rev'd Lucy Price from St. James Church will help you write your parish story in compelling ways. Her ministry is focused on adult formation, welcoming newcomers and parish development - all rich story telling opportunities. Through examples, you'll have an opportunity to practice writing your parish story based on the vision for your parish. It will be a very interactive session.
Narrative Budget Plenary
The Ven. Alan Perry, Executive Archdeacon at the Diocese of Edmonton, is the narrative budget plenary speaker. Alan has worked in many small parishes and has created many narrative budgets. Alan will use examples of narrative budgets and work through how to create a narrative budget. Narrative budgets are really another form of financial story telling. As a participant, you'll have an opportunity to get some experience creating your own parish narrative budget.
Building Stewardship Teams Plenary
Susan Graham Walker, is on the staff of both the United Church of Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada in the area of congregational giving and generosity. Susan has created the Giving our Thanks and Praise program for the Anglican Church of Canada and has created many stewardship teams. She is, without doubt, the best person available in the church to speak about building your parish's stewardship team.
9:30 Registration
10:00 Worship - Bishop Melissa Skelton
10:30 Plenary 1: Story Telling
Noon Lunch
1:00 Plenary 2: Narrative Budgets
2:50 Plenary 3: Building Stewardship Teams
4:30 Adjournment