Following the meetings in Winnipeg which concluded May 23, 2019, The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) announced $450,000 in grants to support new projects across Canada in its
May cycle of awards. At the meeting the AFC’s board of directors reviewed its strategic road
map and began to chart a new course for 2020–2023, in addition to awarding grants to over 60 applicants.
“It’s truly inspiring to receive applications for projects that are imaginative, creative, and innovative,” says the Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Rois, AFC’s executive director. “Canadian Anglicans of all ages are imagining and embarking on programs that will result in a positive impact on their communities and the Church,” she said.
In addition to infrastructure and restoration grants of $254,000, AFC provided $110,000 for innovative ministry projects, $25,500 for theological education bursaries, $20,500 toward church music, and $25,000 for theological formation projects.
From coast to coast to coast, the donations of Canadian Anglicans are making it possible to fund ministry of all kinds: educational resources for children and youth, theological education, musical composition, art installations, creative liturgies reflecting new realities of worshippers, summer camps for young refugees to Canada, after-school homework clubs, spiritual and medical care in children’s hospices, and choir schools.
The Diocese of New Westminster's three applications (there is a maximum of three applications approved by Diocesan Council in each grant cycle) were all successful. They are:
- Salal + Cedar Watershed Discipleship Community, Vancouver, BC, Sacred Earth Camp for youth and young adults. The board awarded a grant of $10,000.
- Parish of St. Augustine, Vancouver, BC, Bathroom renovation project. The board awarded a grant of $15,000.
- Diocese of New Westminster, Vancouver, BCThe 2019 Leading Women Conference. The board awarded a grant of $12,000.
Other successful applications included:
- Algoma: Church of the Ascension, Sudbury, ON. New barrier free and accessible main entrance. The board awarded a grant of $12,850.
- Arctic: Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Kangirsuk, QC. Construction of a new mission house for clergy. The board awarded a grant of $15,000 and a loan of $100,000.
- Brandon: St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Brandon, MB. Re-shingling of church roof The board awarded a grant of $15,000. Diocese of Brandon, Brandon, MB Anglican Memorial Camp: Replacement of the holding tank The board awarded a grant of $7,550.
- British Columbia: St. John Gualbert Anglican United Fellowship Church, Port McNeill, BC. Installation of accessible doors on parish hall and covered scooter shed. The board awarded a grant of $6,250. Parish of St. Mary of the Incarnation, Victoria, BC. Drainage and accessibility improvements. The board awarded a grant of $15,000.
- Central Newfoundland: Parish of Grand Bank, Grand Bank, NL. Replacement of the roof The board awarded a grant of $12,000. St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Salvage, NL. Foundation restoration The board awarded a grant of $15,000.
- Edmonton: Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Edmonton, AB. Outreach ministry to South Alberta Light Horse army reservists. The board awarded a grant of $4,000.
- Fredericton: Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, Fredericton, NB. Deep Roots – Diocesan Gathering. The board awarded a grant of $10,000.
- Huron: Diocese of Huron, London, ON. Respect Justice Camp. The board awarded a grant of $15,000.
- Niagara: Church of the Nativity, Hamilton, ON. Nativity Gardens – creation of community garden space The board awarded a grant of $15,000. Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Niagara Falls, ON. Replacement of the boiler. The board awarded a grant of $6,600.
- Nova Scotia & PEI: Christ Church with St. Alban's, Stellarton, NS. Roof repair, installation of new steel roof. The board awarded a grant of $5,000.
- Ottawa: Cornerstone Housing for Women, Ottawa, ON Creating Inclusive Communities Project The board awarded a grant of $10,000. St. Thomas Anglican Church, Stittsville, ON Elevator modernization The board awarded a grant of $15,000.
- Quebec: Deanery of Saint Francis, Lennoxville, QC. Day Camp at Quebec Lodge. The board awarded a grant of $4,200. St. James the Apostle Anglican Church, Cacouna, QC. Restoration of the parsonage foundation. The board awarded a grant of $15,000.
- Rupert’s Land: St. Thomas Anglican Church, Morden, MB. Re-shingling of church roof. The board awarded a grant of $14,000.
- Saskatchewan: Anglican Parish of Birch Hills/Kinistino/Muskoday, Birch Hills, SK. Renovation of the rectory, including shingles, doors, and window. The board awarded a grant of $6,500.
- Saskatoon: All Saints Anglican Parish, Watrous, SK. Renovation of the church hall. The board awarded a grant of $15,000.
- Territory of the People: St. Peter's Anglican Church, Williams Lake, BC. Renovation to the rectory. The board awarded a grant of $15,000. St. Alban's Anglican Church, Ashcroft, BC. Replacement of roof on church hall with solar panels. The board awarded a grant of $15,000.
- Toronto: St. Theodore of Canterbury Anglican Church, Toronto, ON. Replacement of the boiler. The board awarded a grant of $15,000.
- Yukon: Christ Church Cathedral, Whitehorse, YT. Replacement of church front doors. The board awarded a grant of $3,200.
- Theological College: Huron University College, London, ON. Making Huron Accessible: Opening Doors to All The board awarded a grant of $7,500. Atlantic School of Theology, Halifax, NS Residence Building – replacement of three entrance doors The board awarded a grant of $7,500. Queen's College Faculty of Theology, St. John's, NL. Diploma in Theology and Ministry Program launch in three sites The board awarded a grant of $10,000. College of Emmanuel & St. Chad, Saskatoon, SK. WECAN Curriculum Conference. The board awarded a grant of $5,000. Vancouver School of Theology, Vancouver, BC Contemporary Anglican Formation Program The board awarded a grant of $10,000.
- Other Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care / Emily's House Children's Hospice, Toronto, ON Music therapy and Heartbeat Songs. The board awarded a grant of $15,000. Sorrento Centre, Sorrento, BC Weaving Together Three Themes of Reconciliation The board awarded a grant of $15,000. Aboriginal Neighbours, Victoria, BC Revitalization of Indigenous Living Languages. The Catholic Apostolic Universal Church Trust Fund committee awarded a grant of $10,000 St. Barnabas Anglican Church, St. Lambert, QC. Arts based liturgical and ministry projects The Sacred Arts Trust committee awarded a grant of $5,000.
The Anglican Foundation of Canada seeks to foster Anglican presence by providing abundant resources for innovative ministry and diverse infrastructure projects and theological formation throughout the Canadian Church. Leading the way in resourceful ministry since 1957, AFC has benefitted every diocese, hundreds of parishes, and thousands of Canadian Anglicans with the provision of financial support
from coast to coast to coast.
For media requests related to AFC please contact:
Scott Brubacher, Executive Administrator
or call 416-924-9199 ext. 322