On November 30, 1976, Archbishop David Somerville ordained to the priesthood, the Reverends Elspeth Alley and Virginia Briant. The third ordinand on that day was the Reverend Michael Deck. The ordination took place at Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver.
On the afternoon of Saturday, November 30, 2013, the third ballot for the election of the 9th Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster was called at 1:41pm. With four nominees remaining on the ballot the results showed that the Reverend Canon Melissa Skelton of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia had received a substantial majority of votes from both houses, clergy and lay.
Clergy: 81 of 119 and Lay: 126 of 173
The Electoral Synod took place at Christ Church Cathedral.
Happy Anniversary to all... and a special Happy Anniversary to Her Grace, Archbishop Melissa Skelton as this will be the last anniversary of her election during her episcopacy.