Many thanks to diocesan photographers; Jane Dittrich, ODNW and Wayne Chose, ODNW for these photos from Holy Week 2023.
On Good Friday, April 7, 2023, Bishop John Stephens attended the Cathedral's Maundy Cafe lunch for the neighbourhood and took part in serving the meal and visiting the guests. Unofficially official diocesan photographer Wayne Chose was onsite to take some pictures of the event which ran from 11:30am-12:30pm.
That morning, Jane Dittrich took some photos of the Cathedral's Family Service which involved the creation of Easter Gardens.
Although busy with the Greeting Teams, Jane did double duty as photographer in-house, covering the Saturday, April 8, Great Vigil of Easter and Easter Day's Festal Eucharist at 10:30am on Sunday, April 9.
Christ Church Cathedral had a guest preacher and teacher for Holy Week, the Right Reverend J. Neil Alexander who preached at the Triduum liturgies of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and The Great Vigil of Easter. Bishop John was the preacher on Easter Day and the Very Reverend Christopher Pappas was the Celebrant.
- Bishop John Stephens blesses the Easter fire out on the plaza overlooking the Vancouver intersection of Burrard and West Georgia
- The Maundy Cafe signage
- Bishop John with the Cathedral's Assistant Curate, the Reverend Adam Dawkins. The Rev. Dawkins is the cathedral's cleric with responsibility for the Maundy Cafe food ministry.
- Volunteer, Dr. Tom Ferry helps with picking out some food bank items
- Hot drinks
- Folks enjoying lunch
- Susan serves it up
- Bishop John visits with the guests
- Guests pose for a photo
- A view of the Parish Hall at the Cathedral during the lunch
- The Rev. Clare Morgan and the Cathedral’s children, youth and families minister Lauren Odile Pinkney prepare to welcome the families to the service.
- Children working on the Easter Garden projects
- Bishop John Stephens popped by to say hello prior to his shift at the Maundy Cafe, and to observe the various Easter crafts and activities going on
- Jane Dittrich and her godson, Ellis, painting Easter story wooden figurines
- MC, Megan Otton, Bishop John Stephens, the Rev. Canon Rob James and the Rev. Clare Morgan in prayer in the Cathedral’s west vestibule prior to the lighting of the new fire outside on the plaza.
- MC, Megan Otton lights the fire outside of the Cathedral’s main doors (left to right: the Rev. Adam Dawkins, servers Esther Aneke, Rejoice Anthony, the Rev. Stuart Mennigke, Megan Otton, Bishop John Stephens, the Rev. Canon Rob James, the Very Rev. Chris Pappas and the Rev. Clare Morgan)
- Thurifer, Dana Osborne lights parishioner Howard Teasley’s candle in the nave.
- Bishop John Stephens processing into the candlelit Cathedral
- Bishop John Stephens baptizes Pascal Ji See Ng-Demers.
- “Presenting to you, from your creation, this bread and this wine”
- Bishop John Stephens processing into the Cathedral on Easter Sunday morning
- The Cathedral’s children's, youth and families minister, Lauren Odile Pinkney presents an Easter Sunday story/talk directed to the younger members of the congregation.
- A full Cathedral nave on Easter Sunday. Bishop John preaching as seen from the choir/organ loft
- Another view of the the bishop during the sermon.
- The Dean of the Diocese of New Westminster and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral, the Very Rev. Chris Pappas presides over The Great Thanksgiving (left to right: the Rev. Matthew Senf, the Rev. Alisdair Smith, the Rev. Clare Morgan, Dean Chris Pappas and Terry Love)
- Bishop John Stephens offering his Episcopal Blessing at the end of the Easter Sunday liturgy
- Bishop John Stephens praying with the sanctuary party following worship.
- Bishop John Stephens and the Dean of the Diocese of New Westminster, the Very Rev. Christopher Pappas following the Easter Sunday liturgy