The Archbishop has appointed the Reverend Roberta Fraser as Interim Priest-in-Charge of St Anne, Steveston effective June 1, 2019. The Reverend Brian Vickers has accepted a parish in the Diocese of Calgary and we wish him and his spouse Sally God's blessing on their next chapter of ministry.
Following the recent Examining Chaplains and/or Advisory Committee on Postulants to Ordination (ACPO) the Archbishop has named the following as Postulants:
To the Diaconate:
To the Priesthood:
The Archbishop has named the following as Ordinands:
To the Vocational Diaconate
To the Transitional Diaconate
To the Priesthood
A further Ordinand may be added following an upcoming Examining Chaplains' report.
Following the completion of appointments and with some new archdeaconry and deanery boundaries the Archbishop has appointed the following which will be effective as of Synod 2019:
Archdeacon of Lougheed: The Venerable Allan Carson
Regional Dean of Yale: The Reverend Paul Bowie
Regional Dean of Golden Ears: The Reverend Kelly Duncan
Regional Dean of Richmond/Delta: The Reverend Paul Woehrle
Archdeacon of Granville: The Venerable Stephanie Shepard
Regional Dean of Oakridge: The Reverend Marion Wong
Archdeacon of Vancouver The Venerable Douglas Fenton
(Executive Archdeacon)