Once again this year the Diocese of New Westminster will recognize excellence and innovation in parish communications materials and practice.

The Communications Exchange Awards, "The Nealies", is an initiative of the Communications Committee of the Diocese of New Westminster.

It is not a contest, but a project to encourage creative communications, regardless of parish size or budget. Parishes will be able to compete in the "larger" or "smaller" divisions.

A panel of communication industry professionals will judge the entries; and awards will be presented to winners at the end of Synod 2009, May 22 and 23 where the top entries will be showcased.

Entry details, and-new this year-an entry form, have posted on the diocesan website, under Resources/Downloads/Resources for Parishes.
Or click here.

Based on feedback from members of the diocese we have decreased the number of categories, and broadened the individual scope of a category. We hope this will increase the number and type of entries as well as provide an understanding of how the material is being used to meet the communications objectives of individual parishes. The four categories are the following:

- Best internal communication of a parish to its members

- Best external communication of a parish to its community

- Best use of "new media"

- Best communication designed by a parish to follow up after an event such as a baptism, confirmation, wedding, or funeral

- Most creative use of any media

For more information call 604 684-6306 ext. 223, or email nadams@vancouver.anglican.ca.