The Reverend Marnie Peterson, Rector of St. Anne’s, Steveston was one of the presiders at an Ecumenical service held on January 19, 2022. Fr. Robert Wong, SJ of St. Monica;s, Catholic Church in Richmond, the host parish, preached on the theme, “We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him” (Matthew 2:2).
Fr. Wong and the Rev. Peterson were joined by other clergy, including Deacon the Reverend Katherine Yeo, representing St. Alban’s, Richmond and Pastor Christoph Reiners of Our Saviour Lutheran. The music was led by the St. Monica Choir.
Over fifty people were present onsite from the various churches, and others on Zoom, for this moving liturgy that was planned by the churches from the Middle East. All present were invited to add little stars to the beautifully-lit star banner which pointed to the presence of Christ, uniting our gifts and prayers for the visible unity of the Church.
Image of banner and text submitted by Katherine Yeo