“The assumption of racial difference and inequality was the basis of much of Canada’s social legislation. For example, as a result of the Indian Act, First Nations people were confined to their reserves and their lands, and made susceptible to exploitation and take over. Immigration policies restricted Black, Asian and Jewish immigrants. Canadians of Japanese and Ukrainian descent were rounded up and interned during World War Two. Labour legislation dictated who could and couldn’t work for whom, and who could do what kind of work.” *
Archbishop Linda Nicholls - Primate
Archbishop Anne Germond - Diocese of Algoma/Moosonee & Metropolitan of Ontario
Bishop David Parson - Diocese of the Arctic
Bishop Joey Royal - Diocese of the Arctic
Bishop Annie Ittosha - Diocese of the Arctic
Bishop Lucy Netser - Diocese of the Arctic
Bishop David Greenwoo - Diocese of Athabasca
Bishop William Cliff - Diocese of Brandon
The Ven. Ansley Tucker, Administrator - Diocese of British Columbia
Bishop David Lehmann - Diocese of Caledonia
Archbishop Greg Kerr-Wilson - Diocese of Calgary & Metropolitan of Rupert's Land
Bishop John Watton - Diocese of Central Newfoundlan
Bishop Geoff Peddle - Diocese of Easter Newfoundland and Labrador
Bishop Jane Alexander - Diocese of Edmonton
Bishop David Edwards - Diocese of Fredricton
Bishop Todd Townsend - Diocese of Huron
Bishop Lynne McNaughton - Diocese of Kootenay
Bishop Lydia Mamakwa - Diocese of Mishamikoweesh
Bishop Larry Beardy - Diocese of Mishamikoweesh
Bishop Mary Irwin-Gibson - Diocese of Montreal
Archbishop Melissa Skelton - Diocese of New Westminster & Metropolitan of BC/Yukon
Bishop Susan Bell - Diocese of Niagara
Archbishop Ron Cutler - Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island & Metropolitan of Canada
Bishop Michael Oulton - Diocese of Ontario