At the beginning of June, the people of St. David's Anglican Church on 51A Street in Tsawwassen welcomed me as their new pastor. For this I am grateful. They are reminding me once again of the value of community.
Recently the congregation conducted its annual Vacation Bible School, with children both from within and outside the parish. Older kids served as leaders. Parents, grandparents and other adults participated too. On the last day, we conducted an outdoor service - all the generations were together, including many from our seniors'group - to make up a multigenerational community.
This experience of community occurs less and less in our society. Families are often scattered, people move to different locations and jobs, neighbours often don't know each other and there's a sense of isolation. Social media helps, but it's not the physical presence and intergenerational experience common in previous times.
However, church - and synagogue, temple, mosque, as well as native circle - does provide this experience of community, inclusive of all ages. This is truly a gift in our era of isolated individuals. Connection with one another, old and young and in-between, those in their later years and young children and middle-aged, all together in God's spirit is a blessing.
During my career, I have served several Lutheran congregations and, more recently, Anglican parishes. (The main Lutheran and Anglican denominations in Canada can share ministry.) All these communities of faith bring home to me just that - the importance now in our society of finding community.
Stop by if you'd like to share the experience. All are welcome.