Many thanks to the Reverend Fr. Robin Ruder-Celiz, vicar of St. Martin, North Vancovuer for sending in these excellent smartphone (assuming they are smartphone) photographs of a freshly planted tree blessing by Bishop Skelton (with some help) on the St. John's, Shaughnessy grounds, 1490 Nanton Avenue.
In the photos we see in order, Amelia keeping an eye on Bishop Skelton performing the blessing. Next Amelia helps out with the blessing. In the third photo, Charlotte is in charge of doing the watering.
By all reports the Third Annual Vancouver Archdeaconry Pentecost Evensong held this year at St. John's, Shaughnessy, featured beautiful music, a homily delivered by Bishop Skelton, a good congregation of more than 100 and an excellent reception with lots of goodies held in the Trendell Lounge following worship.
The sermon should be available on the website media pages before the end of May.