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Star Wars Family Lent Series


5-7pm, Feb.18 & Mar.4

Jedi have a Rule of Life, come discover yours.

The Star Wars Lent Series will begin in the Parish Hall with us eating dinner together, and then participate in a brief worship. Afterwards, we'll split up into two groups: children and young youth who are needing active adventurous programming will go with Kimberly into the gym; adults and older youth who are needing deeper spiritual development and programming will stay with Liz in the Parish Hall. Both groups will dive into what it means to practice a Rule of Life. We will regroup at the end for some closure and then send you on your way with tools, resources, and Star Wars swag!

I hope you will join us. Please RSVP to Liz or Kimberly via email so we have an idea of numbers for food. And please share our poster and event.