Many thanks to Joy Mancinelli of St. Oswald, Port Kells for letting diocesan communications know about their fundraising efforts on April 2, 2022.
Here is what Joy wrote:
Thanks to the kindness of Mr. Charlie Lee, members of St. Oswald's were able to set up a table outside the Walnut Grove IGA to sell cookbooks by donation. And how incredibly generous people were! The first donation came from a young man who took a book and dropped a $50 bill into the box. We teared up when a Ukranian woman told us that her parents had made it out to Poland because their town had been completely demolished, and she was now trying to bring them to Canada. So many people with so many stories... thanks to Mr. Lee and all those who contributed--we raised $850 for the Red Cross.
Just a reminder that although there are numerous international aid organizations doing great work to provide relief for the victims of the Russion invasion of Ukraine, the international aid organization of the Anglican Church of Canada is the Primate's Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF). Please support PWRDF's work in Ukraine by followng this link. You will read the latest story and find links with ways to GIVE.