Education for Ministry (EFM) is excited to announce a new initiative in the Diocese of New Westminster, EFM-ONLINE.
Beginning in October, 2017, EFM - ONLINE will take place Monday evenings 7-9pm Pacific Time.
EFM on-line allows participants to join in a weekly live group via the internet. As with other EFM groups, members do their reading and preparation between sessions. Your computer must be able to run Google Chrome to access the classroom.
EFM (Education for Ministry) has been bringing thoughtful biblical and theological learning to lay adults in the church for over 35 years. The on-line programme has been in operation for ten years with groups spanning across Canada.
There are four years offered in EFM, beginning with study of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) in Year 1, the New Testament in Year 2, Church History (Year 3) and Thinking Theologically (Year 4). Participants purchase textbooks for each year and receive a Reading & Reflection Guide as part of the programme.
Models of Theological Reflection that encourage the learner to link the Christian faith, the world, and our lives is the core exercise of EFM that differentiates it from other learning programmes. We will practice a variety of methods of reflection individually and as a group.
Current EfM groups in the Diocese of New Westminster are as follows:
For more information about EFM and EFM on-line, see our website and follow the links.
Cost per year: $350 plus texts.
To register for this EFM on-line group or for information about the four other ongoing EfM groups in the diocese, contact Paula Porter Leggett.
A downloadable version of the preceding information is attached below in pdf format.