Bishop Skelton has appointed the Reverend Keith Gilbert as Interim Priest-in-Charge at St Catherine, Capilano and the Reverend Sharon Salomons as Assistant Priest-in-Charge. Keith's appointment is 1/2 time and Sharon's is 1/4 time.
The appointments were effective April 1st 2016. The Reverend Elizabeth Ruder-Celiz has been appointed Assistant to the Rector for Christian Formation (1/2 time) at St Mary, Kerrisdale effective April 16th. Elizabeth joins the Reverend Christine Rowe as Assistant to the Rector for Pastoral Care (1/2 time) who began January 1st.
The Ven Dr John Bailey has been appointed as Interim Priest-in-Charge at St. Philip, Dunbar effective May 1st.
Bishop Skelton has moved two Postulants to the status of Ordinands: Mark Munn who is currently serving as Parish Intern at St. Mary's, South Hill with Fr. Expedito Farinas and Lucy Price who is a Student Intern at St. James' with Fr. Kevin Hunt. Both Mark and Lucy will, God-willing, be ordained to the Transitional Diaconate on June 18.
The Bishop has also signified her intention to ordain to the Priesthood, the Reverend Clare Morgan, Deacon-Curate at St Philip, Dunbar, and the Reverend Alex Wilson, Deacon-Curate at St Anselm.
Additional Ordinands may be added following further examining chaplains meetings and assessment conferences.
The ordinations will take place on Saturday, June 18th at 10:30am at Christ Church Cathedral, anticipating the Feast of St. John the Baptist.