Have you ever wondered what it would take to keep God's planet green? What if more people left their cars in their garages and found more sustainable ways to get around the city? This month, strap on your helmet, tune up your bike and celebrate Bike Month with others from across the Lower Mainland!
Organized by Better Environmentally Sound Transportation, Bike Month is an opportunity for you to celebrate the bicycle with members of the Diocese and bicyclists from across B.C. There are many ways for youth to get involved in this earth-friendly movement… check out the events below happening on the last Friday of the month, or contact organizer
Paige Dampier, 604 708-0777, (paige_dampier @hotmail.com) if you want to know about other ways that you or your friends can get plugged in.
Friday, June 24 - Blessing of Bicycles and Bicyclists
Part of "Consider the Journey" environmental awareness program sponsored by the Diocesan Task Force on the Environment, front plaza of Christ Church Cathedral, 690 Burrard St., Vancouver, 5 pm.
& Critical Mass
Bring your bike to the plaza of Christ Church Cathedral (690 Burrard Street, Vancouver) for the Blessing of the Bicycles! Then, join hundreds of other people on bikes for the Critical Mass, a fun and celebratory reclamation of public space that snakes through downtown Vancouver.
8 pm: Post-Critical Mass Dance Party
Park your bike at St. Michael's (409 E. Broadway, Vancouver) for a dance party and a documentary of the Diocesan pilgrimage to Guatemala. Admission is by donation, and will go toward the purchase of a vehicle for the CCDA in Guatemala. Contact Emilie Smith for more information (604 876-8191).