“Don’t think that if you had a great deal of time you would spend more of it in prayer. Get rid of that idea! God gives more in a...
To purchase tickets, contact the Church Office: stjmr@shaw.ca 604-463-5733 (messages checked regularly)
For the month of August Barb Walks of St. Mark's is going on a mission trip to Rwanda with Embrace Rwanda, which is a registered...
Almost retired early childhood educator and active member of St. Mark’s, Ocean Park, Barb Walks, is up for her next challenge. For...
All are invited to attend this event. Tickets $35 need to be purchased in advance for catering purposes. The meal will be a roast beef...
St. Timothy's is holding a Pasta Night and Silent Auction fundraiser. Tickets are $30 and $10 for children 10 years and under. A...