New information about EfM in the Diocese of New Westminster will be posted here as it becomes available. In the interim please use the contact information available on this post.
Intended for a lay audience, EfM has been a sponsored program in the Diocese for over 25 years, delivering a study of the Scriptures, history and theology of the Church in small, seminar-style groups. Members of EfM groups make a commitment to their learning one year at a time (There are four years in the complete program). Each EfM group is managed by a trained, local facilitator, called mentors. These mentors recertified on an annual basis, usually at training events offered in the Diocese.
What we study:
There are four years offered in the EfM program:
Each year includes two “interlude” texts that bring a variety of theological topics to the table – from atonement theologies to multi-faith connections. The Canadian EfM program also offers Canadian context materials annually, and Canadian scholar, Dr. Norman Knowles, has given permission for groups to read his early work for EfM, Steppingstones – Canadian church history – although it is now out of print.
Participants purchase their Bibles and textbooks, while tuition includes the annual Reading and Reflection Guide and access to the Canadian context materials. Many of the books are available in e-format.
Models of Theological Reflection encourage the learner to link the Christian faith, the world, and our lives, and is the core exercise of EfM that differentiates it from other learning programs. Groups practice a variety of methods of reflection individually and in the group.
While taking EfM in a local group is preferable, EfM on-line is an option for those who do not have access to a local group or who cannot attend a local group for other reasons. At present there are four on-line groups in Canada. Three of these are in the afternoon, B.C. time, to allow for learners participating from across Canada. We have one evening group, Pacific Time, meeting together on Monday nights.
For more information about EfM in the diocese, or to explore joining a local EfM group, email The Reverend Paula Porter Leggett, Diocesan Coordinator o call, at 604-329-8701
For information about EfM On-Line groups, email Ms. Annette Cowen
The American website can also be explored, understanding that there are some differences with EfM Canada so all their material may not be accurate or applicable to the Canadian program.
A theology degree is not required to be an EfM mentor, however previous participation in EfM as a student is a normal expectation. Mentors need to be able to facilitate process without becoming teachers – the texts and the student’s explorations together are the teaching content. Mentors need to be able to live with ambiguity and varied theological perspectives so that groups are safe places of discovery and the challenge learners encounter is with their own thinking and learning. More information is available on the EfM Canada website.
For more information about mentoring, please email the Reverend Paula Porter Leggett or call 604-329-8701.