The Diocesan Eco-Justice Unit and its chair, the Reverend Margaret Marquardt would like to invite members the diocese to join young...
The Season of Creation is celebrated from September 1 until St Francis Day on October 4 across many denominations around the world. In...
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This day Rome has the chance to be transformed. The Amazon has arrived. And the Churchis being invited to listen. The Special Synod on...
This past August, the Amazon basin flashed through our news cycles, and for a few weeks our eyes were focused on the fires, the deaths,...
Recently "Ideas" on CBC radio offered a thoughtful interview with Canadian, Todd Dufresne, author of The Democracy of Suffering...
Petition Linked Here We call on the BC government to recognize the urgency and alarm that people all over the province are feeling as...
Faithfully responding to the climate emergency turned urgent this year with record-breaking heat domes and highway busting,...
Saving Our Planet: Faith in Action II is a multi-faith event focused on the climate crisis and its impact on our planet. The event...