
This Epiphany season, St. John's Anglican Church, Port Moody, invites you to join us as we explore faith from the angles of dark and light. 

Beginning on Jan. 6. the feast of the Epiphany, we will be posting daily (Mon-Fri) reflections from church members--here below on this page and on our Facebook page--on how God can be found in the more obvious "light". Each person will be answering the question in words and/or photographs - "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" 

(Our Tuesday morning Bible Study group will also be reading the book "Learning to Walk in the Dark" by Barbara Brown Taylor, exploring how God can be--sometimes unexpectedly--found in "darkness". Zoom link for the group can be found here.)


Saturday, Feb. 18

We find ourselves now at the end of our offerings of "God Shining in the Everyday". It has been a joy to have you joining us! We hope you have found this month of Epiphany reflections to be helpful in and inspirational for your own explorations of where God can be found in your life. We wish you many blessings as we finish up the Epiphany season and begin next week to move together into the season of Lent!

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Friday, Feb. 17

Today's Epiphany reflections on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" are by Ethan & Isla.  

Ethan: "I go to my Grandma's and Grandad’s house after school every day now that they have moved into their new home close to my school. God shines clearly during the calm moments while I walk there on my own after a busy day at school."

Isla: "After school when I’m sitting at the little table in my room playing with my toys and Lego, it’s quiet and I’m by myself. God reminds me of all the things I’m thankful for: my family and my friends, my home, good food and my baby bear." 

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Thursday, Feb. 16

 Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Joan B.

"62 years of marriage with my loving husband was a happy and fulfilling blessing. His death has left a big hole in my heart. Lord please fill this void with your love and guiding light so that my future life's journey will have purpose and meaning dedicated to Your Word. In Jesus' Name."   

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Wednesday, Feb.15

 Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Eddy.  

"For each person God shines in many different ways. For myself I can list so many ways, but the ones which come more frequently are mainly before I go to sleep, I ask God to help take care of the people in need, the sick, the dying, the homeless and to give health and strength to all people. I ask for guidance in the way in which he wants me to be and to help me throughout the day as I go through my daily routine, whether it is an appointment or assisting the grandkids with a ride to their games, or calls to my family in various parts of the world in different time zones, or assisting the next door elderly neighbors in their needs during the cold snowy times. In all of the above I can see God shines in many ways and gives me a sense that he shines clearly in my life."    

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Tuesday, Feb. 14

 Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Sue H. 

"Where does the light of God shine in my life? Well it’s the warmth on my lap when Tigger is curled up on me. Totally relaxed, sound asleep and purring loudly. It’s there when I step outside and hear the birds singing and the wind rustling through the trees making the leaves dance. It’s there when I look up into a deep blue sky with pillowy white clouds flowing across it. It’s also there in dark times. The smell in the air after a rainfall. The rumbling of thunder coming from dark grey clouds. Punctuated by the loud crack of fork lightning racing across the sky. Then it’s in more obvious places, church on a Sunday morning. In my Bible study and prayer groups. And in any activity I do with my church family. But when I see the majesty of a brilliant orange sunset over the islands, reflected all over the surface of the ocean. Then I’m reminded that God’s light is all around me all the time. And I pray that I can be even a small reflection of that light to all I encounter on my pathway." 

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Monday, Feb. 13

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Karen.

"In my ordinary, everyday life God shines clearly in all the people he brings into my life.

He is there in the unsolicited hug I receive from my daughter on a 'blue' day... in the unknown little girl that goes running by laughing and squealing with unbridled joy, when I am out for a walk... in the friendly smiling gentleman behind me at the grocery checkout who asks how my day is going... and in the seemingly chance meeting of an old friend, who knows just the person I should see to help heal my lingering tendonitis.

God is there in the presence and actions of all those who bless my life."

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Friday, Feb. 10

 Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by John W.  

"It lies, for me, 
in surprise, 
and in the immeasurable depth 
of infinite possibility.

No matter what is happening, 
whether things are looking up, 
or not going smoothly, 
... there is always the possibility of change.

When things are going well, 
there is always the possibility that there is also better.

When you are overflowing with joy 
and still another blessing arrives.

And yes, when you are at your worst, 
and can only see darkness, 
knowing there is always a silver lining.

It's the light at the end of the tunnel.
The rainbow after the storm.
The dove with an olive branch.

New Life springing from the ground 
... fed by a decaying fallen tree

And from each other
... especially after having experienced loss

The promise of something else 
when the path you had chosen 
doesn't pan out as you had expected

It can be infuriating too...
how many paths does one need to choose from

in the end
and overall
I am grateful
that those choices exist

and if the wrong choice is made
then even still 
more options remain

and, indeed, they remain 
regardless of the folly 
or gravity of error
that frames the decision 
or the results of
the prior choice"

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Thursday, Feb. 9

 Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Michael L.  

"God is always present all around us, but we are too busy to notice.   I started jogging for over a decade, usually before dawn 3 or 4 times a week. During these 30 to 40 minutes, I pray to God so that I can draw strength from Him before I start my brand new day.   In this quiet time, God shines through brightly when I breathe the fresh air, when I see a flock of birds fly over the water, and even when I feel the raindrops fall around me; all these refresh my body and soul."  

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Wednesday, Feb. 8

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Ferne.

"We recently celebrated the 90th Birthday of our dear friend. There were 24 ACW [Anglican Church Women] members delighted to attend. Without reservation they all wanted to help with preparations. (A quick survey indicated that these 24 women had about 600 years of service at St. John’s.) This celebration may not seem to be a part of my everyday life but these people are woven into the fabric of my 'Everyday Life'. The many shared experiences, the support, the prayers, the listening... the fellowship... surely this is God shining in my everyday!"

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Tuesday, Feb 7

 Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Rich.  

"God shines most brightly in my everyday life when I am doing something that allows me to easily clear my mind. A quiet walk in the woods is a perfect example of this; I’m able to be at peace and take in the wonder of God’s creation. I took this photo of my wife walking with her guide dog during one of our forest walks, and it captures the feelings of love and trust and warmth that are all possible when we let God’s love into our hearts. The light shining through the dark branches reminds me that God is always present, even when times seem dark."   

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Monday, Feb. 6

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Michael C.

"It was the winter of 2008. We had a heavy snowfall overnight. Early next morning our surroundings were blanketed in white. Both my wife and I were suffering from a bad cold, and we prayed that no one will come near our driveway or curbside that morning.

Suddenly, we heard distinct shovelling sounds outside.  When we peeped through our windows, we saw two strangers clearing our driveway and curbsides. They turn out to be neighbours who live a few doors away from our house.  At the time, we hardly know them and to this day they have not told us how they came to choose that morning to shovel the snow for us.

But we’re thankful that God decided to show his presence through these two 'snow angels'."

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Friday, Feb. 3

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Mary.

"I would love to be able to say that I see God everywhere in my life.  

It is easy to see God in the sunshine, the beauty of creation, the faces of family and friends, and the many instances of kindness and caring that one sees in the world.  My life is so full of goodness that this accounts for much of my time and I wish that I could remember more often to give thanks and praise to God at these times.  .  

I would love to see God in the other times of the day also–the mundane, the hectic, the sad and fearful times.   

For the past few weeks, I have been reading 'Learning to Walk in the Dark' by Barbara Brown Taylor for our church’s Tuesday morning Book Study, and I have been aware of how it is much more natural to see God in the loveliness of life rather than the darker times.  I do have faith that God is with me at all times, but it is more difficult to remember this when things are not going well.
I feel that it is important for me to become more aware of God’s presence throughout the day.  Since my mom passed away, I have often had the sense of her presence with me.  A comfortable, knowing presence that makes me feel wrapped in her love.  This is how I would like to be aware of God’s presence.   Without the need for praise, thanks, or prayers for guidance, forgiveness or courage although I know these are also important.  But I long just to walk with God in comfortable, understanding companionship throughout the day."

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Thursday, Feb. 2

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Debora.

"As a child growing up in Saskatchewan, I knew Groundhog Day for the lie that it was: an end to winter on February 2nd? Don't make me laugh. I liked winter well enough. I loved playing in the snow, but what I didn't like was the cumbersome ritual of winter clothes that needed to be put on before one could open the door and step outside. Snowsuit, scarves, hat, mittens, and those ugly chunky boots that had to be pulled on over one's shoes. I trusted in God's promise of spring, but in my heart I longed for the miracle of being able to step outside in regular clothes and no shoes.

As a young adult I saw the Bill Murray movie 'Groundhog Day'. A slimy weatherman is sent to a small Philadelphia town to broadcast the Groundhog Day festivities there. Somehow he finds himself caught in an endless loop, repeating that same day over and over again. At first he's confused, then frustrated but finally he starts to use the predictability of the day to change his responses. Finally he gets it right and wakes up and it's a new day.

That's where I see God's Grace in the light of each new day. We are forgiven the mistakes of the previous day, and are given the gift of a new day in which to get it right."

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Wednesday, Feb. 1

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Susie.

"I see God clearly whenever I take Tylenol. A few years ago I had pain from a nerve condition from the spinal cord – sciatica. I had a lot of pain from my spine to the end of my leg. Only Tylenol helped me with the pain, but each time it only lasted 4-6 hours.  I went to seek all sorts of professional help – doctors, clinics - but it wasn’t helpful. One day I saw an ad about a decompression treatment and I tried it for a year. After exactly one year, it still didn’t help and the doctor told me that I would have to pay for each additional visit. But I suddenly realized that day that I was all better. Now I see clearly that God did that. All of a sudden it was an answered prayer! I still take Tylenol, but now just for little aches and pains. I thank God for this. From now on I just need to be more aware of God’s presence." 

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Tuesday, Jan. 31

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Lilian.

"I have found this question one of the easiest I have ever been asked.  It didn’t take me anytime to know the answer.

Every morning on awakening I open the blinds on our patio doors leading outside and there God is welcoming me in all kinds of weather to a new day. This has been my joy for 16 years as I see what is new or different in my yard or in the wild at Terry Fox Creek. Please note in the photo, the small owl who visited many mornings last summer. I see new growth, lots of birds, squirrels, the odd bear, and I know with God’s love for all things I will get through another day. I stay and say my prayers and petitions before I go and dress and begin another day trying to be all God wants me to be. Amen."

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Monday, Jan. 30

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Josephine.

"God is Light. Jesus consistently focused on linking Himself to the Father (God). John chapter 8, verse 12: Jesus said, 'I am the Light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.' Light is essential to provide growth on earth. The opposite to Light is Darkness. Through Jesus and His sacrificial death on the Cross we are exposed to the light and forgiveness of our sins. At times when I felt a bit down, I looked for the Light which usually gave me an uplift and brightened up my day."

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Friday, Jan. 27

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Rosa.

[A reflection on her Epiphany star word...]
"I chose the word Home.

The week before Christmas the sewer backed up into my bathtub overflowed the toilet. Thoughts went through my mind:'Not now, Christmas is only a few days away.' I don’t know why I felt so calm; I was mad but thanks to prayer I made it through. My home is still in disarray but I asked for strength and got it. I only know that with prayer and God’s help we can always make it through anything. Good friends also help."

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Thursday, Jan. 26

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Betty.

"This is where I see God most clearly in my life.

In the plants and the trees that come alive in the spring, the beautiful colors of the leaves in the fall. The snow capped mountains and freshly fallen snow. The warmth of the sun, the glittering stars and the shapes of the moon in the night sky.

In babies, puppies and kittens. In kind people, the man who picked up my fallen glove. The friendly cheerful gas attendants that work at Johnson Street station. The homeless man sitting under a tree. All the volunteers who give their time to make a difference. My husband and sons who are my life.

This is where I see God most clearly in my life."

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Wednesday, Jan. 25

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Lynne.

"I live in a 7th floor apartment surrounded by several high rises. Luckily there is a space between 2 of them that gives me a view of a mountain peak in the distance. Every day I hope to see 'my' mountain and am in awe of God’s majesty and love.

I also live close to Coquitlam Centre Park and enjoy walking there, often seeing a heron, geese and ducks, and sometimes a few turtles! All these things remind me of God’s love.

Here is a quote from Learning To Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor: '"Look at the birds of the air" Jesus said. "Consider the lilies of the field." If you do not have the time to pay attention to the ordinary, how will you find the time to pay attention to the Spirit?'"

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Tuesday, Jan. 24

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Christine.

"The Light of Remembrance
A few years ago, Kathy R. gave me an Anglican Rosary, which in these last few weeks is bringing light to my everyday experience. They sit on my desk, lit by a candle and as I pick it up each morning and pray the Celtic prayer it came with, I remember with bittersweetness the Light Givers who have given so much light, and life, and joy to my life. Each evening I once again pray with the beads and give thanks – for all the dear people who have been a part of my day, my husband’s smile, the kindness of a neighbor, a note from a friend, fellow pray-ers, the beauty outside my window, and my little dog Pippin’s snores. Each a spark of light that cause me to remember the Gift of God – The Light in the Darkness – who shows up moment by moment, if only I open my eyes to see and my ears to listen.

Dear Kathy is still gifting light and light to my life as I remember her faith, her love and compassion."

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Monday, Jan. 23

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Jan.

"In my ordinary, everyday life, God shines clearly in the smiles of my beautiful grandsons."

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Friday, Jan. 20

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Sue E.

"Since I'm now retired in an empty nest I have more time to feel the presence of God in nature: the sun shining through the window in the morning, the moon shining through the trees at night, the woodpeckers and chickadees coming to eat the suet I prepared, and the hummingbirds sipping at the feeder as they become more at ease with my presence and hop on the feeder as I hang it up after a cold night. All these give me joy sent by God.

When I enjoy the presence of others, God is there in the laughter of my loved ones and the excitement in the eyes of my great-grandnephews. God and joy is present in all the kindness shown by our congregation at good times and sad times. Thank Heavens."

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Thursday, Jan. 19

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Jerome.

[A reflection on his Epiphany star word...]
"Regenerate - To start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart to make use of energy that might otherwise be wasted."

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Wednesday, Jan. 18

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Rohini.

"There is a light in my children’s eyes 
That surely comes from paradise
For when I am so very low
Their love shines purer than the snow.
It glows when they bring me my tea
In the everyday it shines for me.
A mustard seed of faith I had
In their teenage years it made me glad
I held onto it with all my might
They made it through and in my sight
A simple little cup of tea
Served with love’s my epiphany."

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Tuesday, Jan. 17

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Matthew.

"I find myself frequently wrapped up in cares of the moment. Working outside, there are small moments that I treasure, however. I might turn a corner and see a halo around the sun on a hazy day, or a break in the clouds allowing the sun to shine on a forested hillside, reminding me that I am part of something so much larger than whatever concerns I was just worrying over."

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Monday, Jan. 16

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Anne M.

"In my ordinary, everyday life God shines most clearly for me on our daily walks in nature. In the quiet stillness of the woods I sense that this is God’s natural cathedral, and I can feel his presence. If I look and listen carefully, as I wander down the winding trails through the dense woods, along the rambling river, hear the birds sing, and observe the sunlight flickering through the trees, the great Gardener and his glory is evident and made known to me. (John 15:1)

'But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.' – Job 12:7-10"

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Friday, Jan. 13

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Claudio.

"Walking hand-by-hand along a trail, gathering around a campfire, or enjoying companionship, the light of God brilliantly shines when I am together with family.

'How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!' - Psalm 133:1"

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Thursday, Jan. 12

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Geri.

"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light 'day,' and the darkness he called 'night.' And there was evening, and there was morning — the first day.

On first read of these passages, I think about the creation of day and night, daytime, nighttime, sleep and awake but when I pray on it during times of struggle, the meaning is different.  For every dark time there is a time for light. A time for troubles to pass or the effects to lessen. When I have a problem I am wrestling with, I will put it aside when I sleep and when the morning comes and the dog needs his walk, the answer is there for me."

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Wednesday, Jan. 11

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Ruby.

"The light poured through the window and seeped into my bedroom. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations." 

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Tuesday, Jan. 10

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Ann.

"God's light shines for me in my everyday life through the faces of my beautiful grandchildren. Just as they love us unconditionally, I am reminded that God loves us in the exact same way. His love for us has no limitations or restrictions... just pure adoring love always, and in all ways."

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Monday, Jan. 9

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Anne A. 

"January 2 was the date I had chosen to make sandwiches for the Cold Wet Weather MAT program at St. Laurence; it was the last day of winter break for the Grandkids. Our eldest granddaughter told me months back she would like to help the homeless so this was her perfect opportunity and we spent time together making the sandwiches that afternoon.

As we left the house in the evening she said, 'It is so cold and wet tonight I can't imagine living on the streets.' When we went to deliver them that evening it was earlier than the arrival of the guests but she got an idea about what the volunteers do onsite and how the clients get there. As we left she said, 'I remember the Thanksgiving when we went to visit Great Granny and there was a homeless person at the front of the grocery store. You let me give him a cupcake and he was so happy.' Then she said, 'Something more has to be done to help people who live on the streets.'

That meeting at the grocery store was the beginning of this child, now a Tween, learning about a sadder side of the world in which we live. It came back to her now as she began to see the challenges of our world. In this encounter the light of God gave me a gift to see this person very close to me beginning to connect her heart to her hands. What a gift to us all as these hands strive to create a better, light-filled world with God’s love for all."

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Friday, Jan. 6

Today's Epiphany reflection on "Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?" is by Vivian. 

"This is a photo of my motley crew of plants on my kitchen counter... I see God working visibly in the improbability of new life (however funny-looking) continuing stubbornly to grow despite my lack of a green thumb! It gives me a lot of hope for other things in my life, whose potential for growth I may have underestimated."

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