Please find attached here and below a .PDF of the current Discernment Process Guide for the Diocese of New Westminster.

This guide is for those discerning a call to ordained ministry, either to the diaconate or the priesthood. It is also designed to assist clergy leaders and others in the church who are assisting in the process of discernment. The guide lays out the principles and process to be used consistently throughout the Diocese so that we raise up faithful, disciplined, effective and inspirational leaders for our church.

Developed by the Bishop in consultation with the Bishops of our Province, the Director of Anglican Formation at the Vancouver School of Theology, the Archdeacons, the Dean and the Regional Deans of our Diocese, the guide outlines the Six Criteria for Ordained Leaders which are central to our discernment process. These Criteria describe the qualities of those people our Diocese is seeking to ordain as deacons and priests.

The process of discernment begins with an applicant and their priest, and when appropriate moves to deeper engagement in the life of the parish, work with an intentional discernment group around the criteria with a report to the Director of Ordinands and the Bishop.  Examining Chaplains will interview the applicant who is continuing in the process and make recommendations for further work of formation and/or study.