1. Opening
Bishop Michael called DC to order and welcomed a new member, Burrard Deanery Lay Representative, Keane Tait. He also said farewell to the Rev. Roger Cooper who was attending his last DC meeting prior to beginning his new ministry at St. George’s West Kelowna in the Diocese of Kootenay in January.
Bishop Michael presented a brief synopsis of activity taking place at the three parishes recently returned to the diocese. He encouraged DC to attend the December 15th, Lessons and Carols for Christmas service at St. John’s Shaughnessy at 8pm. Music in worship will be led by Christ Church Cathedral Choir under the direction of Rupert Lang.
3.1 Ordained Ministry Division Presentation on Non-stipendiary Priests (NSP) -
Ordained Ministry Division (OMD) Chair and member of the
Models of Vital and Sustainable Ministry (MOM) Working Group, the Venerable John Struthers gave a brief overview of the process taken to develop this
Policy Draft and then he turned the presentation over to the Reverend Dr. Richard Leggett
Richard emphasized that there is a profound difference between holding the Bishop’s License and having Permission to Officiate.
The Draft Policy brought before DC for discussion has been developed to advance ministry in the Diocese at this time when resources and means are shrinking in some areas but the need for ministry has increased.
The Draft Policy has 5 Sections, 4 are near completion in terms of development and Section 5 is still under discussion by
There are four principle recommendations:
1. An NSP functions under the supervision of stipendiary priests
2. A process be developed for NSPs, determining the recipients of Permission to Officiate and the Bishop’s License.
3. NSP ministry should be looked at by region.
4. An NSP may be appointed to care for a parish under special circumstances (this has not been done in the D of NW but is common elsewhere in the ACoC).
Richard requested that DC discuss with their table-mates two questions and have one person take notes and submit them to him for MOM's consideration. The questions were:
1. What can you affirm about this Draft Policy?
2. What further questions or issues do you want ODM to consider about NSP. Are there things missing from the document that should be there?
Lively table discussions took place for 15 minutes.
3.2 Diocesan Financial Campaign Draft Case Presentation –
Together in Mission
Bishop Michael presented the case for a Diocesan Financial Campaign to the members of DC. He believes that there are a number of strong reasons to embark on a Capital Campaign at this time:
• it has been almost 30 years since a major fundraising initiative has been undertaken in the D of NW.
; Anglicans in Mission
• many parishes have completed MAP and there is a clearer understanding of where they are in terms of vitality and sustainability and what the financial needs are for missional goals.
• the diocese has emerged from years of ongoing litigation and controversy and the atmosphere grows more favourable for moving forward with mission.
Bishop Michael proceeded to guide DC through a presentation that outlines the campaign keeping in mind the current intent of General Synod to raise $25,000,000 in partnership with dioceses (Ottawa, Toronto are currently in this process).
The presentation contains general information about amounts that could be raised and the ministry models that the funds would support.
(The presentation (PowerPoint) in its current form is a fluid piece and is under revision during this period of discussion with diocesan leadership. It will be made available in the near future.)
Donors like to give in different ways:
Some like to give to Endowments:
Columbia Coast Mission Fund (First Nations and Indigenous Ministries),
Curate Endowment Fund and
Somerville Professorship Fund (for VST).
Other ministerial models would be
raise and spend, having the money work now as funding and building;
New Communities of Faith, Hospital Chaplaincy, Campus Ministry
Each parish will be asked to sit down and identify their mission and ministry priorities. In the proposed diocesan campaign, each parish would be given a target figure based on the current assessment formula and would share the money raised 50/50 with the diocese. If the target is exceeded the overage would go in favour of the parish 75-25.
The parish makes its own case to its constituency.
Parishes supply the volunteers and they will be trained by the professional fundraising consultants hired to oversee the campaign. Quality materials will be developed based on vehicles that have had success that were, or are being employed in similar campaigns.
Bishop Michael concluded his part of the presentation by presenting the draft financial goal chart...
There is a total goal of $16,000,000 if a 4 year Campaign is chosen or $18,000,000 if a 5 year plan is determined to be the better option.
The diocese is proposing that diocesan assets that have been capitalized in the sum of 2,000,000 dollars be put into the flow of the overall fundraising target.
Bishop Michael stressed that the diocese has not done anything like this since
Anglicans in Mission 30 years ago and he believes that collectively the skill set of fundraising, specifically, making direct asks for donations has been lost. Reflecting on his experience in the Anglicans In Mission campaign he shared his personal experience that direct face to face conversations with people about money can be a profound pastoral experience .
The group broke up into table groups and each individual DC member was asked to fill out a Response Form that would be submitted for the staff team to study.
At the February meeting of DC, Council will be asked to look at a motion requesting funding for a feasibility study.
3. Minutes of November 8th, 2011 Meeting
There was a minor amendment and following that, a motion to receive the minutes and
that Motion was carried
6.1 Diocesan Anglican School-Grant Request
Committee member Rev. Patrick Blaney gave an additional overview of the benefits of receiving half the funding to hire
Halladay Education Group Inc. to put together a start-up plan for the school. There are many details involved in the planning and execution process of a new school and Halladay have the experience and expertise to move things forward rapidly and with a successful outcome.
The Committee will raise half of Halladay’s $50,000 fee. The Grant Request document attached states that the Committee has raised $10,000 of their proposed share, however, according to Patrick that figure is now closer to $22,000.
DC was asked to vote on the Motion contained on page two of the attached document.
The concern was voiced that a diocesan school begun in the City of Vancouver may not truly be diocesan wide and may also because of cost and location exclude many who would benefit from it.
Patrick emphasized that developing the school is not a criticism of the public education system or a desire to develop an elite learning environment. One of the goals it does achieve is the creation of an educational opportunity for parents who would prefer a Christian education in an Anglican context for their children.
The Motion was carried
6.2 Mission to Seafarers – Application to the Anglican Foundation
Bishop Michael reminded DC that the diocese may recommend 3 applications for funding a year
The Motion before DC is on page one of the attachment
The Motion was carried.
6.3 St. Anselm – CTF Request
Business Administrator Rob Dickson summarized the Motions regarding this request moved by the Administration and Finance Committee and MCDC
The Motion before DC is on page 2 of the attachment.
The Motion was carried.
6.5 Synod Motion #5 – Review of Assessment Formula
Diocesan Treasurer Ian Robertson reviewed the history and some of the motives behind the desire to review the formula.
The Motion before DC is on page 2 of the attachment
The Motion was carried.
8 Items for Discussion/Information
8.1 Financial Statements – October 2011
Diocesan Controller Mark Beley requested that DC members refer to the Executive Summary. Both earnings and expenditures are pretty much on budget. There has been slight growth in CTF shares.
Treasurer Ian Robertson reported that things are still volatile in the markets and will likely remain that way for the next little while.
Long time Cathedral parishioner and former trustee, Jean Mickelson was nominated and appointed to MCDC
Other Business
DC sang Happy Birthday to Reverend David Taylor.
Expressions of gratitude were extended by DC to outgoing Ordained Ministry Division Chair, the Ven. John Struthers (succeeded by the Rev. Clarence Li), outgoing Ministry and Congregational Development Committee Chair, the Rev. Jeremy Clark-King (to be succeeded by Dr. Starr Allaby) and outgoing Stewardship and Gift Development Chair, Liz Cullen (succeeded by Tony Sauder).
Diocesan Council was adjourned by Bishop Michael following The Grace at 9:35pm. The next scheduled meeting is January 10, 2012, 7:30pm at St. Augustine, Marpole.
Images: Top, matching laptops are made ready for the meeting. Top right, Bishop Michael consults the agenda before calling the meeting to order. Middle left, Director of Planned Giving Glen Mitchell prepares the Financial Campaign presentation. Lower middle, the last slide with the proposed totals. Below, DC members had a lot of information to consider at the December 13th meeting.