On Saturday, March 13th, 2010 10am-3pm there will be a diocesan wide confirmation conference held at Christ Church Cathedral, 690 Burrard Street in downtown Vancouver.
The conference is titled Your Christian Life and is sure to be a great experience for confirmation candidates from all over the diocese.
At confirmation a Christian becomes a full participant in the life and ministry of the Church. As you prepare for confirmation you are invited to come explore what it means to be a member of the wide and diverse family of God. Bishop Jim Cruickshank will be the prinicpal speaker on a day which will feature a number of different voices. This day will be a worshipful, thoughtful and engaging experience that will inspire and challenge you to live up to the wonderful life that is found in the Church and in Jesus Christ. Please register with your parish priest. Coffee, muffins and some social time will begin the day at 9:30am.