In the Diocese of New Westminster, deacons play a vital role in ministering beyond the walls of the church. As a distinct order committed to the work of justice, compassionate attention, reconciliation and bridge-building, those ordained to the diaconate work under the Bishop, in partnership with their priest and parish, to bring the love of Christ to the world and the needs of the world to the Church. It is our goal that every parish have a deacon to help it organize for Gospel action in the neighborhood and the world.

If you are curious about the role of a deacon, or wondering if you might be called to this ministry, please see the Welcome and Becoming a Deacon pages listed on the left. A Deacon's Handbook, which outlines the role of deacons and includes the diaconal covenant, is also available and provides a helpful overview of the diaconal life. Should you wish to know more, please contact the Ven. Peggy Trendell-Jensen, Archdeacon for Deacons.