Many people aren't aware that in this Diocese and beyond there is an ordained order of Anglican clergy who also have other vocations "out in the world." Deacons are non-stipendary (unpaid) clergy who have an important role in worship services, but who are further moved to carry out their ministry in their workplaces, in social justice initiatives, in hospitals and in soup kitchens, at harm reduction sites, in refugee or advocacy work - in short, anywhere Christ's hands and heart are needed.
All baptized Christians are expected to share God's love with others, and many lay people work tirelessly and fruitfully in various ministries of care and compassion. However, some people feel a particular pull toward ordained leadership and seek to dedicate their lives to this work in an intentional and sacramental way. They may feel this call early in their adulthood, or in later decades. Either way, life as a deacon enables one to put skills and experiences gained in other contexts to use building stronger churches and healthier communities.
As Archdeacon for Deacons, I am always keen to hear from people who have questions about the diaconate or are curious about the work of a deacon in the church and the world. Might you be wondering if this is the path for you? Are you looking for more information or resources? Please feel free to be in touch.
Faithfully yours,
The Ven. Peggy Trendell-Jensen
Archdeacon for Deacons