Life & Legacy is our way of remembering that life is a precious gift from God; and that we must take seriously stewardship of all that we have, and even more seriously, be grateful for having it!

 These pages are designed to help you create and live out a Christian life of stewardship and give cheerfully in gratitude for all that you have.

Our life of stewardship includes responsibility for not just our own possessions and our family but concern and caring for those around us and our environment. When Anglicans gather in worship to give thanks for all that we have and pray for guidance about our future activities we are mindful of these responsibilities. We are a people who believe in the dual Christian calling to works of compassion and charity and to works of social justice.

We subscribe to four basic principles of Christian stewardship:

  • Praying to God with grateful hearts
  • Nurturing our family with time and love
  • Sharing our gifts with our community
  • Returning to God the first fruits of our labors

These Life & Legacy pages will help you and your parish build a stewardship-centred life and create your Legacy of Love - your Christian plan for sharing your time, talent and resources to build a better life and community, both now, and in the future.