Getting Started

Here are some 'first steps' to getting started with a screening program in your parish. We hope the information will be helpful. 

1. Review this short guide (only 4 pages) to get you started. 

Screening in Faith for Parish Leaders

2. Figure out who is volunteering or employed (not including Clergy) in your parish. Identify what their roles are and what level of screening is required for each role. Use the booklet linked below to help you.

Ministry Levels with CRCVS & Safe Church Training Requirements

(NOTE: CRCVS refers to 'Criminal Record check with Vulnerable Sector check') 

3. Create a spreadsheet to help organize this information. Include columns for first & last names, email addresses, role titles, record check info and Safe Church training completion dates. This information will be needed by the Diocesan SIF Administrator for sending access links to volunteers / employees for record checks and Safe Church training. NOTE: You can use the spreadsheet shown in the 'downloads' section at the bottom of this page for this purpose.

4. Provide record check application options to the volunteers / employees who require record checks. See the link below for information on the various application options. Once people have let you know which option they have chosen, indicate the choice on your spreadsheet. 

Applying for Police Record checks & Vulnerable Sector checks

5. Advise volunteers / employees of the need for Safe Church training. The information linked below will provide information on the training itself and arranging enrollment of 'learners'. 

Safe Church training Guide for Parish Leaders

Diocesan Timeline

This timeline will help guide you as to what to expect through the year from the Diocesan Office regarding Screening in Faith.

  • January & February – Screening Compliance Report: Your Clergy leader will be notified by the Diocese to complete the parish 'parochial report'. As part of this report there will be a request for the level of screening completed in the parish. You should include all the data you have available for the number of people in your parish who have completed the various trainings and have Criminal Record Checks (CRC's) on file. This serves as reminder to encourage parishes to ensure everyone with a medium/high risk position has the appropriate checks and training for that position.
  • June & July – Email to Parishes: In June or July, each parish (Clergy leader & SIF Co-ordinator) should receive an email from the Synod office Screening-in-Faith Administrator with a list of all those on file at the Synod Office who have a valid CRC and those that are expired or are close to expiring. Parishes should then check this list and let the Screening-In-Faith Administrator know which records are correct, which need removing or updating. Parishes can then use this information to contact those people and remind them to renew CRC’s as applicable.